Once you've decided that you'd like to improve your smile with Invisalign aligners, you'll need to find an Invisalign provider to provide you with the orthodontic treatment you need. But did you know that not all Invisalign providers are the same? While every orthodontist that offers this revolutionary treatment is trained by Align Technology (the makers of Invisalign) there are different doctor statuses based on overall experience in treating patients with clear aligners.
Align Technology classifies Invisalign providers by the number of cases they complete each year. For example, a Preferred Provider has treated at least 20 Invisalign cases and a Premier Provider has treated 50 cases and averages about 25 cases every six months.
Every year, the Premier Provider status is awarded to a select group of doctors in the United States and Canada. Dr. Powers has proudly achieved the Premier Provider status, proving that she has the experience needed to provide her patients with exceptional Invisalign treatment. Of all the Invisalign doctors offering clear aligner treatment, only about six percent can boast of achieving the impressive Premier Provider status!
Why Choose a Premier Provider?
When you choose a Premier Invisalign provider to help you improve your smile, you'll know that your orthodontist is very experienced in providing his/her patients with excellent Invisalign treatment that yields amazing results. A Premier provider also stays current with all the advancements made in Invisalign technology and knows all the treatment benefits, as well as the limitations. In short, you'll be in the best hands possible when you put your trust in an Invisalign Premier provider!
Dr. Powers is a Top Choice to Make!
When Invisalign was first being developed and refined, Dr. Powers worked with the innovators of Invisalign to advance the product development and set up clinical testing sites at universities in the United States. This early experience with Invisalign coupled with the Premier provider status puts Dr. Powers in a class all her own! You simply cannot find a better Invisalign provider in the Bay Area with the same level of experience and expertise!
Ready to Get Started? Contact Us Today!
Whether your teenager is interested in Walnut Creek Invisalign Teen or you want to improve your own smile with clear aligners, you can't go wrong by choosing Smile Power Orthodontics as your Invisalign Premier provider! Dr. Powers has the educational background, training, experience, and expertise needed to help you (or your teen) get the new and improved smile you deserve! To set up your first visit with Dr. Powers, please request an appointment today. We look forward to seeing you in our office soon!