Posted on 11/08/2018

Sticky & Chewy Candies
Perhaps the most dangerous candies for braces are sticky, chewy sweets like caramel or salt water taffy. These candies can get stuck to brackets and archwires, but because they're so
Hard Candies
Hard candies like Jolly Ranchers, lollipops, and even some types of dark chocolate are another major no-no for braces-wearers. These candies can easily break brackets off the teeth as you bite down on them, so it's best to steer clear of them while wearing braces.
Dangerous Non-Candy Items
It's not just candy that can hurt braces during Halloween - some other treats can still pose a threat, even if they're not explicitly candy. Popcorn is a major offender for this, as the hard kernels and thin shells can break off brackets or get stuck between teeth and braces. Caramel apples are another dangerous item, as both the sticky caramel and the hard apple pose a threat to the teeth.
Contact Your Walnut Creek Orthodontist
We hope this guide is helpful to you in taking care of your braces this year, and if you have more questions about how to survive the post-Halloween season with braces, we're happy to answer them. Contact us today to learn more about caring for braces or to schedule an appointment at our Walnut Creek orthodontic office!